
Balboa High Project Summer

The CYC Balboa Project Summer is a 6 weeks project-based learning program where youth get paid to innovate and learn a craft. We will offer classes in 3D Printing, Minecraft, Art, DIY Science, Fitness, Photography, and more. This summer we will also be incorporating academics, College & Career, and employment skills development classes. Come learn and be a maker.

Program Dates: June 14-July 23, 2021 (6 weeks)
Program Time: 10:00am-3:00pm
Program Fee: FREE
Program Incentive/Education Award: Students will receive $500 for program completion
# of Slots: We will be accepting 48-60 youth with priority going to higher need students.
Program Location: Lowell High School, 1101 Eucalyptus Drive, San Francisco, CA 94132
(Balboa is not available for use this summer)

Enrollment Link:  Balboa Project Summer
This program requires a 10AM-3PM, Monday through Friday commitment. Priority will be given to higher need students until May 7th and then it will be first come first served. Applicants will be notified by May 28, 2021 if not earlier of program acceptance. Applicants must complete a CYC Registration Form within 5 days of program acceptance.