Creating and sharing holiday magic

Each holiday season, CYC youth show care, ingenuity, and leadership in how they spread holiday cheer.
CYC students at Garfield Elementary surprised seniors living in Chinatown and North Beach with handcrafted coasters and ornaments. These thoughtful gifts allowed the seniors to decorate their homes with a touch of holiday spirit. CYC high school youth also visited seniors this year at their assisted living facilities in the Bayview for exercise, arts and crafts, and extra rounds of bingo. The students also delivered handmade holiday cards to each senior, with warm wishes for the holiday and new year.
Moscone Elementary students have special affection for the dogs of Muttville when they come to visit. As an act of gratitude, CYC youth at Moscone donated leashes, toys, bedding, and blankets so that even the dogs would have presents to enjoy. Fellow elementary students at Redding Elementary spent a day collecting not toys, but litter—beautifying their schoolyard and garden area before the holiday break.
These annual youth-directed holiday projects give CYC youth a chance to express their care and their ideas, and knit our communities together more tightly.
We hope you and your families, like ours, are having a bright and memorable holiday season.