
CYC College & Career Access Virtual Summer Camp 2021

This summer, CYC is offering FREE virtual workshops on College Career Access Summer Camp for incoming 10th, 11th, 12th API highschool students that are interested in navigating the college entry process and exploring career paths for their future. This 6-week program offers College Access provided by ESM Prep and Career Access workshop.  A $500 Incentive is given upon full completion of the program.

CYC College Career Access Summer Camp is a program designed for API high school students who want to learn about college and career knowledge and skills. This camp prepares students to be successful in the college application process through “Personal Statements”, “Financial Aids”, and “Scholarships” while Career Access journey for youth to explore their own personal, educational and career development.

College Preparation workshops include: Exploring areas of interest in majors, choosing the right college, application process, financial aid & scholarship, personal statements, virtual college tours, and SAT Practice Test.

Career Access Workshops include: Development Series on interview, personal branding, critical skills of resume writings, and financial literacy.


Workshops | June 14th – July 23rd | Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays Time 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM


Incoming 10th, 11th, 12th API High School Students in 2021-2022

Must complete application and short answer questions

Must be available for ALL classes 


Deadline: Sunday, May 23rd, 2021 at 5:00PM