
CYC Elementary Summer Program 2020 FAQ Update

CYC Elementary Summer Program 2020 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Did you review my application and is/are my child/ children accepted into the program?
A: Yes, all applications have been reviewed and accepted.

Q: What is happening with the summer program given the COVID-19 pandemic?
A: We are still planning for summer at this point. CYC will continue to actively monitor the COVID-19 coronavirus updates and reevaluate the situation on a regular basis.

Q: What happens if the school is not opened in summer due to COVID-19? What will happen then? Will you be doing something else?
A: We are currently exploring feasible and meaningful learning options that meet the needs of our K-5 students. Safety for kids is our first priority.

Q: Will we get a refund if school does not open in summer due to COVID-19 and social distancing?
A: Yes! At this point, no check has been processed yet. We will not move forward with processing payment until we have more clarification and directives from our city and SFUSD. Families will receive a notification from CYC before any payments are deposited and processed.

Q: What if the program opens on site and our city calls for shelter in place and social distancing again, will we get a refund?
A: If it is mandated and recommended that we close the summer program, CYC will pro-rate the cost of how many days/weeks we had programming on site. We will keep families as updated as possible.

Q: What’s the best way to get updated summer information?
A: CYC will email out more details to families as it gets closer. If you have individual concerns and questions, please contact Vicky Chung Louie, Program Manager, via email at

Thank you for your support and wish everyone stay safe and healthy!