AURA (Advocating for Unity, Resilience, and Acceptance)
This education and skill development program for AAPI young women focuses on topics such as media literacy, female empowerment, and body positivity.
Youth for Community Engagement
Youth for Community Engagement (YCE) promotes self-development, communication skills, and a positive attitude to help immigrant youth and elderly adapt to a new country. Youth learn the value of what it means to give back and build a community through volunteerism.
Table Tennis Program
Table Tennis is an after school program at middle and high schools led by an on-site coach who engages youth in fitness and health while teaching them about leadership, perseverance, teamwork, and sportsmanship. The program includes weekly competitions as well as organized tournaments.
Bayview Service Connection and Multicultural Engagement
Bayview Service Connection and Multicultural Engagement (BSCME) promotes racial harmony amongst the African American, AAPI, and Latinx communities living in the Bayview through outreach, cultural events, assistance with connection to services and resources, and community-based events.
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT)
& Intensive Supervision and Clinical Services (ISCS)–
Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSTD) and Intensive Supervision and Clinical Services (ISCS) are community-based supervision and case management services for individual and family therapy. Both programs seek to motivate success and promote healthy lifestyles.
Community Safety Outreach Program
This program teaches and informs the public about the importance of disaster preparedness by providing free seismic, fire, and emergency outreach and education to youth, seniors, residents, businesses, merchants, and community-based organizations.
Parent-Youth Empowerment
This program provides at-risk youth ages 10-21 and their families with resources and mentorship to overcome barriers and ensure success in life.
AAPI Violence Prevention Services
This program works to reconnect at-risk AAPI youth with caring adults and peers by providing financial, social, and recreational resources, building individual strengths, and promoting the importance of youth and family communication.
CYC Computer Clubhouse & Tech Academy
The CYC Computer Clubhouse provides a safe, out-of-school learning environment for youth to explore their creativity using technology. The Computer Clubhouse has the latest hardware and software for youth to acquire technological skills for personal, academic, and professional development.
Asian Youth Prevention Services (AYPS)
This program partners with multiple agencies citywide that work together to promote a substance abuse program. The program teaches youth about leading a healthy lifestyle, making sound choices, and avoiding the pitfalls and dangers of drug, alcohol, and nicotine abuse.